Sunday, January 25, 2015

Me talk Pretty One Day

I selected this particular experience because it is very similar to my own experience.  The person who wrote this essay was forty-one years old. The author returned to school to attempt to learn a new language in a foreign country.  I sincerely understand how the author feels because I am from South America, enrolled in college in my forties, and learning a language different than my native language. I always look around on the first day of class to see if there are other adults taken the class because I do not like to be the only adult in the middle of younger students. The other concern that I have is whether I will be able to understand my professor’s lecture. However, returning to school as an adult in my forties is great because I love to have fresh ideas and learn about new technology.  I’m in my forties with a wiser twenty year old brain!!              

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Learning English With a Blog

Today is the first day of my English class. The first assignment is to create a blog; my unique experience about a blog came from my daughter’s favorite television show, Dog With a Blog. I'm not too familiar with that type of writing, but I think if a dog can have a successful blog with millions of followers, I am pretty sure I can do that as well.  I was feeling a little intimidated creating a blog, but once I started writing, I realized that it is not complicated at all. In fact, more people are starting blogs every day and blogs are a communication tool for businesses to find out what their clients think about the businesses’ services and products.